
Author: LLN Admin


Free Indeed – Grace

This message is from our Bible School course “Free Indeed” which covers the topic of demons and deliverance. In this session, Gregg Donaldson encourages us with many scriptures from the Bible showing God’s grace towards us as believers and helps us to see ourselves as…


The Purpose Course – PLACED

As we continue our Purpose Course, Gregg Donaldson talks about the PEOPLE around us, the LOCATION we find ourselves in, CIRCUMSTANCES and EVENTS in our lives, and our DEFINICIENCIES.


The Purpose Course – GIVEN

In the second part of our series, “The Purpose Course”, Gregg Donaldson uses the word “GIVEN” to teach us about the GIFTS God has given us, the INSTRUCTIONS He has passed on to us, the VICTORIES we’ve attained, our EXCITEMENT / passion and the aNOINTING…


The Purpose Course – MADE

Gregg Donaldson kicks off The Purpose Course with the acrostic MADE – find out more about your purpose through your Motivation Gifts; Arrival (place and family); Desires and Experiences.


An Amazing Day

In Mark 6, Jesus talks about those whose hearts are hard. What does this mean? What causes a hard heart? Find out as Gregg Donaldson shares from Mark 6, Matthew 14, Luke 9 and John 6.


Summary of the Parables

In summary of our mini-series on the parables of Jesus, Gregg Donaldson challenges us to reflect on our own lives and decide whether we have given up all for that “treasure” that Jesus offers us.