Lighthouse Kids
We believe that even though kids are physically small, they are spiritually huge, and we prioritise their care and discipleship.
Jesus said “let the little children come to Me” and we want to make this possible, and enjoyable for the children.

Sunday Kids’ Groups
We have a number of kid’s groups that meet on a Sunday morning during our church service. Children in these age-groups are released from the auditorium at the end of our first worship segment to go to their respective groups. These groups are as follows:

Toddlers (0-3 years)
We also run a Toddlers’ group on a Sunday morning which is facilitated by parents who volunteer on a rota basis. Please consider being a part of this wonderful volunteer team. We also kindly ask you to register each Sunday in advance so that we can ensure we have the correct adult / child care ratios in place – please speak to a team member about registration.

After the first few songs in the main service, the children will go out in the following age groups.
Reception – Year 2
Year 3 – Year 6
They are given individual care and age-appropriate activities to help them develop spiritually and socially and to learn to worship God.