We are so glad you found us
You can learn more about us by watching this welcome video and by reading the info below
Our Team
Meet some of the wonderful team who lead, serve & care for the people in our Church, and the body of Christ worldwide

Gregg & Bronwyn Donaldson
Lead Elders

Adam & Kuda Dakwa

James & Heidi Matheson

Grahame & Helen Atkins

Heidi Matheson

Jo Bisson
Children & Youth Worker

Ife Omilo
Admin, Media & Kids

Jayne Burton
Groups Coordinator

Richard & Di Stievenard
Pastoral Care

Pat Todd
Pastoral Care

Ola & Kenny
Youth Leaders

Sam Olayioye
Youth Leader
Our Vision, Values, Vehicles & Beliefs
Jesus told us, His followers, in His ‘Great Commission,’ to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Mat 28:18)
Our vision is to make strong Jesus followers, or ‘disciples‘, here in Jersey, and all around the world.
We believe that disciples are not merely converts, but individuals continually growing in faith, engaging with others, and building connections. This is why starting and growing small groups is such a crucial part of our church life, and our worldwide mission.
Our beliefs are mainstream, Evangelical, and Charismatic, and can be summarised as follows:
We believe the Bible is God’s word and is the true guide for everything we need to know about God and salvation
We believe that Jesus is the nexus of all that God is about. His life, death and resurrection have changed human history, and have changed our lives.
God’s Grace means that He has given us salvation as a free gift, and that we as humans could never earn or be good enough for heaven. This changes our attitude and the way we do everything.
Faith is essential for us as it allows us to receive all that God has given. It involves us believing God’s word above all, and seeing beyond the physical. This explains why God’s word is so important to us, and why we have a positive, optimistic belief – all things are possible with God.
We believe in the active, miracle working power of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives today. We need Him… His leading and infilling.
We believe the Church is God’s chosen method to carry out His plans on Earth, and so we prioritise His people, authentic relationships, and starting new groups and Churches. The whole Church is supposed to be empowered to be Ministers, not just a special group called the ‘clergy’ and everyone has a gift and something to offer.
We want to be ‘a Grateful, Passionate, Outward-looking Family who Love God’s Word.’
We are Grateful because God has saved us, not because of anything good we have done, but because of His amazing grace.
We are Passionate because God’s Spirit moves and empowers us, and because He is so passionate in His love and care for us.
We are Outward-Looking because it’s not all about us. God rescued us when we were far from Him, so we reach out to all kinds of people in all types of places.
We are a Family because even though we come from many diverse backgrounds and cultures, we have one Father, and we are brothers and sisters in Him. We love and are committed to each other.
We Love God’s Word because it is God’s gift to us of His thoughts, feelings, plans and purposes and it is the source of truth that helps us truly know God and the world we live in.
The methods, or ‘vehicles’ that we use to achieve all of this are threefold:
These are essential to our Church life, providing care, fostering growth in God-given gifts, and creating a safe space for closeness to God and each other.
There is a real value in larger meetings where we can worship together and be equipped to go out and do great things for God.
We use all and any media to reach out to the world and to our local community to spread the message of the gospel, and to link up with people so that they can gather in small or large groups and become disciples. Our Groups outreach is called leadinglightsnetwork.com
Our Worldwide Mission
We are extremely grateful to God for the ability to make a global impact for His Kingdom. In conjunction with Television shows aired globally to billions of viewers, we have set up a website to facilitate discipleship and community around the world. You can discover more about Leading Lights Network Groups HERE. You can also partner with us financially by clicking on the PARTNER WITH US button below.

Leading Lights Network GROUPS
Leading Lights Network is a ministry birthed through Lighthouse Church to help ordinary people start and lead small groups and church meetings wherever they live in the world. We have set up this GROUPS WEBSITE to provide resources and support for those who start and lead Leading Lights Groups.
Watch this video to FIND OUT MORE